The Second Kundalini Yoga Challenge - Open those hearts
Lets do it again!!
Announcing the second kundalini yoga challenge on instagram!#kundaliniyogachallenge sponsored by @purplebalance
It goes like this:
For the next 11-days I (@soulfitnessgirl) will be your host to help you be inspired to start doing some kundalini yoga. Everyone is welcome to join this challenge. The challenge is meant to inspire you and others to simply start practicing kundalini yoga and to spread peace, love and light into the universe on instagram.
Every day for 11 days I will be posting a Kundalini yoga meditation, kriya or mantra to inspire you to get on your mat and into your inner space of peace, and crack that heart wide open. This Challenge Will be a true heart opener!
AFTER your practice snap a photo or video of your practice that day and uploade your photo to your instagram account and tag us!
1. Repost this challenge to your account!
2. Follow @soulfitnessgirl and @purplebalance
3. Post Photos daily of the challenge of the day with the tag #kundaliniyogachallenge @soulfitnessgirl @purplebalance
4. It's Ok to catch up if you miss a few days and okay to join the challenge at any time.
5. post your best attempt, its not a competition. It is just simply about inspiration, motivation and love.
6. After the challenge I will be picking a winner who will receive some delisciouse protein power and raw food bars from Purple balance.
The challenge starts tomorrow november the 10th!
Please tag your friends that you want to do this with, and spread the love and light even more!
Who's joining?
Sat Nam
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