I have a Love mudra for you!
Day 4 of the #kundaliniyogachallenge and yes you can still join!
Today I have a Love mudra for you- The Beargrip. It Stimulates the heart and intensifies concentration.
How to:
BEAR GRIP: Left palm faces out from body with thumb down, and right palm faces body, thumb up, and fingers are curled and hooked together.
The meditation - Inhale, try to pull your hands apart as powerfully and as long as you are able to while your breath is held in. Exhale, relax your arms, your elbows will naturally come down. Inhale elbows lifted, pull your hands apart as powerfully and as long as you are able to while holding your breath; exhale relax your arms, bring your elbows down.
Repeat this cycle for 1 minute to begin. Eventually increase the total time to 3, 5, up to 7 minutes. To end, deep inhalation, bring your hands on your lap, palms facing up with index fingers and thumbs touching (Gyan Mudra), full exhalation, release your mudra.
Feel the love in your heart expand! Vibrate love!
Sat Nam
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