Ego Eradicator
Dag 6 af #kundaliniyogachallenge er min absolutte kundalini meditations favorit!
Ego eradicator!
Meditationen her bryder igennem ego'ets smålighed og åbner op for dit fantastiske indre og din trofaste intuition
Sådan gør du:
Kom ned og sidde på dine hæle eller i Easy Pose (skrædderstill…
Dit indre ecstasy mantra!
Dag 5 i #kundaliniyogachallenge er det indre ecstasy mantra!
Wahe Guru: Jeg er i ekstase når jeg oplever ubeskrivelig visdom.
Dette er et kraftfuldt mantra som kan løfte dig op til ecstacy højder!
Det bringer dig fra mørke til lys. Fra frygt til kærlighed! Føl det i dit hjerte, når du chan…
I have a Love mudra for you!
Day 4 of the #kundaliniyogachallenge and yes you can still join!
Today I have a Love mudra for you- The Beargrip. It Stimulates the heart and intensifies concentration.
How to:
BEAR GRIP: Left palm faces out from body with thumb down, and right palm faces body, thumb up, and fingers are c…
Magical Miracle Magnet Mantra Meditation for Love
Day 3 of the #kundaliniyogachallenge and you can still join! And get the chance to win some lovely vibrant raw food protein and bars from our sponsor @purplebalance!
Today we will be doing the divine love mantra Guru Ram Das!
Guru Ram Das is a vibration that elevates the level of your c…
Goodbye Koh Lanta the island of ups and downs
My last video from Koh Lanta. Not many words but a lot of feelings and gratefulness.
Blessings to you
Ecstatic Joy and Happiness
I am grateful and happy. In love with the ocean, with the sun, with nature!
What are you grateful for and what brings forward love?
Love to you from me!
Sat nam
If you only have time for one thing! DO THIS!
Day 2 of the #kundaliniyogachallenge is the kriya that does everything!
The sat kriya.
If you have time for nothing else, practice Sat Kriya daily to keep your body a clean and vital temple for your soul!
It works so well on your magnetic field (your HEART and the magnetic field in int…
Open Hearts Day 1
Day 1 of the #kundaliniyogachallenge the very first day - open those haerts!
Lets simple start by learning to tune in with the Adi mantra. A mantra that is always used in kundalini yoga before any meditation or kriya (a complete yoga set).
The Adi mantra connects us to the Golden chain,…
The Second Kundalini Yoga Challenge - Open those hearts
Lets do it again!!
Announcing the second kundalini yoga challenge on instagram!#kundaliniyogachallenge sponsored by @purplebalance
It goes like this:
For the next 11-days I (@soulfitnessgirl) will be your host to help you be inspired to start doing some kundalini yoga. Everyone is welco…
Welcome to Thailand! And why something about happiness made me cry!
My journey of traveling through Thailand, India and Bali (and maybe some other places not known yet) has begun. This is my very first video blog, and it toke me days to upload it. So a lot has happened since. On the first week of my journey I have been going through a lot. But you can see for yourself in the video.
Sat nam
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